Top Ten (10) Celebrity Yoga Pants Fails you will never forget.
The Rise of Yoga Pants, Has Claimed many Casualties but Non as noticeable as the Celebrities we know and love but today we will show you some Yoga Pants fails that you will never forget.
you would think that with all the money these celebs put into there appearance you wouldn’t have mistakes like these but thanks to them we all get a little laugh.
#1. Blac Chyna.
Fist on Our list is Blac Chyna, now I know she has a lot on her plate with rob and the rest of the Kardashians on her tail but I can say for sure that she will never forget this booty mistake or at least we won’t.

#2. Shia LaBeouf.
I have no idea what Shia LaBeouf was thinking when he wears this but this is a major fashion fail, His stylist should be locked up put in a hole for a long time but what do you think.

I love Jennifer Love Hewitt with all my heart but having your yoga pants squeeze up your junk and while sucking on your butt cheeks isn’t a great look, but she is still one of my favorite actresses.

#4. Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian isn’t a Spring chicken anymore and you can surely see that from the fall of her backside. pulling her as yoga pants fail number four. but I am sure she will make a come back very soon, well hopefully.
#5. Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway has some amazing assets and she surely wants how them off but this is a try-hard fail, next timeless is more.
#6 Khloe Kardashian’s
It looks like this post is turning into one of those all about the Kardashians post but I just wanted to put this one with Khloe in here.
#7 Miley Cyrus
Now you may be wondering why is this a fail, well let me explain, Miley Cyrus doesn’t have a booty so this is clearly photoshop.
#8 Lisa Rinna
Lisa Rinna has some pretty brown eyes but not even those or hiding behind all that mess but I guest she was having one of those days.

#9. Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner is hot even though she has the worst taste in men, but sometimes even she can look a total mess.

#10 Kourtney Kardashian
After workout mess is always a fail

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